
Founded in 2017, The Downtown Dwellers Association is the neighborhood organization for Downtown Jacksonville. We represent the interests of neighborhoods residents all members of the Jacksonville community who care about a creating a vibrant, inclusive, livable Downtown that serves as the key cultural center and economic driver for the Northeast Florida region. We work to further that mission through a number of key strategies, including:

  • Bringing the Downtown Community Together: We host regular social events to offer Downtown residents a stakeholders the opportunity to meet and get to know their neighbors.

  • Downtown Beautification Projects: We organize regular cleanups of our Northbank and Southbank Riverwalks and implement public art and other improvement projects in key Downtown public spaces.

  • Education and Advocacy on Issues Impacting Downtown: We keep Downtown residents and stakeholders aware of issues impacting Downtown and work with public and private decisionmakers to ensure Downtown residential interests are well-represented.

Become a Member

Whether you live Downtown or just want to help give Northeast Florida to vibrant, livable urban center it deserves, become a member today!