Downtown Beautification Projects

We organize regular cleanups of the Downtown public realm and implement public art and other improvement projects in key Downtown public spaces.

Downtown Riverwalk Cleanup

October 10, 2020; Downtown Riverwalk

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Southbank Forest Mural

In 2018, in partnership with the City of Jacksonville Parks and Recreation Department, the Downtown Dwellers successfully fundraised for and installed a forest mural on the Southbank Riverwalk Bathroom Facility by Artist David Nackashi.

In 2018, in partnership with the City of Jacksonville Parks and Recreation Department, the Downtown Dwellers successfully fundraised for and installed a forest mural on the Southbank Riverwalk Bathroom Facility by Artist David Nackashi.

Become a Member

Whether you live Downtown or just want to help give Northeast Florida to vibrant, livable urban center it deserves, become a member today!